AL.BA.CO. Cycle Route

Discover the art of living by bike in the heart of the Romagna countryside

Explore wellness by cycling through the beautiful landscapes of the Romagna countryside with the project "AL.BA.CO. Cycle Route - the wellness itinerary". An exciting invitation to immerse yourself in the fusion of sport and nature, following the quiet streets and fascinating bike paths that embrace the towns of Alfonsine, Argenta, Bagnacavallo, Conselice, Fusignano and Lugo.

Immagine di ciclista lungo la ciclovia ALBACO

The route is part of a network of cycling routes that also include the beautiful Brisighella. By choosing to explore these lands, you will have the opportunity to experience the authentic heart of Romagna. And if you want to turn your cycling experience into an unforgettable stay, do not miss the opportunity to stay at Affittacamere Ca' de Mazapédar. Here, the warm hospitality and friendly atmosphere will envelop you, giving you the perfect retreat after a day riding your bike.

Pedal towards wellness with CICLOVIA ALBACO and turn your trip into a memorable immersion in the culture and beauty of Romagna!


Explore the magical AL.BA.CO. Cycle Route, a paradise for cyclists that winds through unspoilt nature, rich culture and wellness. With about 70 km, this cycle route runs through the municipalities of Alfonsine, Argenta, Bagnacavallo, Conselice, Fusignano and Lugo, offering a variety of terrain, including bike paths, white roads, dirt tracks, slow traffic roads and, only in some sections, double lane roads.

The journey begins at the picturesque Ponte della Bastia, in San Biagio, following the right bank of the Sillaro stream, offering you an enchanting view of the Santa di Campotto Valley. Cross the Boschetto of Via Gabriella Dalle Vacche, an ecological oasis with connected lakes, ideal for observing birds and chiroptera. Further on, you will discover the thousand-year-old Pieve di Santa Maria in Fabriago, testimony of a fascinating past.

Head to Bagnacavallo and visit the ancient Pieve di San Pietro in Sylvis, dating back to the 7th century, with frescoes from 1320 attributed to the master Pietro da Rimini. Stop in Piazza Nuova, an oval porticoed square of 1758, and continue towards Podere Pantaleone, an ecological rebalancing area of six hectares.

Antica Pieve di San Pietro in Sylvis

In the heart of Bagnacavallo, explore the Giardino dei Semplici, a botanical garden with benches engraved with aphorisms by Leo Longanesi. Through the Ponte e Mulino dei Prati, you will reach Alfonsine, where you will find the Information Centre of the Special Nature Reserve and the suggestive Mille Gocce Park.

Il percorso continua lungo il fiume Reno fino al Santuario della Madonna del Bosco, attraversando la Fascia Boscata del Canale dei Mulini e il Chiavicone della Canalina. Infine, raggiungi il Canale dei Molini, un antico canale medievale che collega due grandi parchi naturali: il Parco della Vena del Gesso Romagnola e il Parco del Delta del Po. Il tuo viaggio termina al punto di partenza, il suggestivo Ponte della Bastia a San Biagio. Sella la tua bici e lasciati trasportare dalla bellezza della Ciclovia Al.Ba.Co., un'avventura senza pari per gli amanti della bicicletta!

The route continues along the river Reno to the Sanctuary of the Madonna del Bosco, crossing the Fascia Boscata of the Canal of the Mills and the Chiavicone della Canalina. Finally, reach the Canale dei Molini, an ancient medieval canal that connects two large natural parks: the Parco della Vena del Gesso Romagnola and the Parco del Delta del Po. Your journey ends at the starting point, the picturesque Ponte della Bastia in San Biagio. Saddle your bike and let yourself be carried away by the beauty of the AL.BA.CO. Cycle Route, an unparalleled adventure for bike lovers!

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